18 June 2011


Tomorrow it will be three years.

The date is a scar, the loss remains poignant.

I sometimes wish that l could
Feel the weight of you in my arms
Smell the warmth of your skin
Watch you sleep.

I often wonder
What your future would have held
Whether you would have had my dark eyes or his green
My offbeat humour or his sense of injustice.

I know that
Everything l had would have been yours
That love and pride would have consumed me
But that l didn't have the strength to give you them then.

Cherished as my first, you maybe my only
Always remembered, a shadow ever loved

Tomorrow l will shed your tears
Flowers on an empty grave.


  1. I have nothing to say.

    I just want you to know I read that x

  2. Very powerful. *hugs*

  3. I hope writing this beautiful poem made your grief less painful.
