4 June 2011

And the winner is....

I must make a confession. One month ago l committed a crime more abhorrent than any l have committed before. At least, not since l eliminated an entire nest of mice with a glue gun and glitter. But that is another story. No, this was much worse.

 I had a moment of empathy for Gwyneth Paltrow. *If you need a vomit break, please go now*

Yes, for a brief moment l felt l had a millimetre of common ground with that smug, Madonna-befriending, yoga-mat toting, macro-whatever diet munching, wife of the whining Chris Martin. Specifically, her nauseating Oscar moment.

Now, it was not that l had a significant wardrobe oversight, and wore a corset designed for an ample couple of breasticles as opposed to a couple of enlarged nipples. Either eat some meat, Gwynnie, or invest in a gel bra. Nor did l subject millions of viewers to a sobbing,  rambling, rather desperate 'speech' that resulted in the same millions of viewers reaching for the nearest bottle of morphine to numb the pain.

I did, however, receive my first ever sports award. As one who was always chosen last for the team at school, this was an overwhelming event. So much so that l guarded my shield fiercely for the rest of the evening, growling and baring my teeth at anyone who dared to come near. It was my bedfellow for the night, and remains so to this day. I may even buy it a special red velvet cushion. Apparently l am supposed to give it back next year. I may emigrate instead.

But it must be my year. For a couple of days ago, l received another award, from the lovely Frisky Virgin herself.

This is a dangerous award for someone who enjoys a power trip as much as l. The reason l became a teacher was the opportunity to meld young minds on a daily basis. It still amuses me to 'embellish' certain information within the classroom, and for it to be returned, often verbatim,  in 30 pieces of homework. If you ever bump into someone in a few years time who is convinced that flamingos only have one leg, or will argue that polar bears are Grizzly bears that have been interbred with the DNA of a chameleon, it is likely they have been taught by myself.

But l digress. This award means l have the power to change three (only THREE?) things to make this world a better place. Realistically, it would take me years to get this world ship shape and bristol fashion, but l suppose l have to start somewhere.

1.) 'My Bad'. Anyone uttering this phrase should be placed in stocks and have soiled nappies aimed at their open mouths with giant catapults. I have no idea where this phrase originated, but it is usually said in an offhand, abrasive manner that implies an apology that is absent of any sincerity whatsoever. But that is not my main bug bear. It is that it makes no sense. My bad what? My bad cooking? My bad piano playing? My bad smelling fungal infection? Either finish the sentence properly or learn how to apologise in the correct manner.

2.) Caravans. In this day and age, l see no point to caravans. They are a somewhat unsatisfactory compromise between tents and hotels. Flimsy walls, uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, an inescapable 'toilet' odour, minimal cooking facilities, and cold showers. They cause more traffic jams than any other vehicle. When parked en masse they distort the natural order of nature. They need to be annihilated. I suggest employing teams of ninjas to push them off the cliff tops on which they are perched, one by one. This should send out the appropriate message.

3.) Bad tattoos. Admittedly, this may be subjective, but since l am currently wearing the Overlord cape l am making the rules. Any persons found with tattoos on their chest, calves, thighs, neck, face, fingers, breasts,stomach or buttocks will be forced to wear plasters (band aids for you American citizens) over said body art, lest it be offensive to the Overlord's eyes. There shall also be restrictions on the subject matter. As this list of banned items is rather extensive, and includes everything from names of children to dolphins, all tattoo artists will be appointed by her Overlord, and will be required to submit all designs for approval. It should be noted that anything deemed 'Celtic' will automatically be burnt and a scream of frustration will be heard across the land.

Small changes, but not insignificant.

Oh, and apparently l am supposed to pass this award on too. So, lucky subjects, here goes. Although it will do you good to remember the afore mentioned story of the mice. I have glue guns and glitter a-plenty for those who forget who the TRUE Overlord is.

Have fun:

Mr Condescending

For Everything, A Reason

Left Alone With A Full Moon

Sarcastically Bitter

The Barreness

You Don't Need A Cock To Rock


  1. Did you win the award for playing rugby? I hope it was worth the bruises if you did.

    I've often wondered about caravans myself. Someone told me they all go to caravan parks to create caravan villages with oodles of community spirit. I assume they either bury their waste or sell it to the farmers.

  2. Now I've stopped throwing up.....

    Well thanks very much.
    I will give some thought as to what to do with the special powers and add this to my award page.

    Congrats on yours too, could I ask that tribal tattoos are also added to that list ?

  3. Bad tattoos are such an eyesore. A plaster over them would look better of course :)

  4. GB: Indeed, the award was for rugby - Clubperson of the year, nonetheless.

    Yes, there is a special 'Caravan Club', with stickers and everything. It is exclusive, and apparently involves several secret rituals. I am sure one involves human waste. I suspect they boil it up and imbibe it as one would a mug of hot chocolate. Wierd.

    Cowgirl: No worries, anytime. Apologies for the vomit fest, Gwynnie has that effect on a lot of people. l suspect it is why Chris Martin is so skinny. Tribal tattoos are on the list. They may be more offensive than portrait of dead pets.

    Jaya J: Yes they are. And l figured that plasters were less painful than a skin graft. And cheaper too.

  5. Gwyneth makes me cringe. I don't know why anyone would think that her singing is any good!

    I hate bad tattoos. One of my ex's had a big blue tattoo on his thigh. It was so ugly....especially when he wore shorts because you could still see part of it at the bottom of the leg of the shorts. GROSS!

    I had to google caravan because I had no idea what it was. We don't use that word! It just makes me think of that show "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" on TV. How could you live like that?!!

    Thanks for the award. I will not forget the master though.

  6. Yeah, she's not my kind of people either, at least I don't think she is. She was, after all, part of that decision to name a living, breathing human being Apple.

    Oh, and I'm putting you on the blogroll!

  7. gwyneth please STFU. she has a cookbook out now for chrissake. i think it's called the ultimate vegan coke diet.

    thanks for stopping my crib, btw.

  8. SB: Oh, how l love the dresses in MBFGW.... flashing leds and fluttering butterflies??? Amazing.

    Dr. K: Indeed. How hoard she must have looked for inspiration. I imagine as far as her dinner plate. And thanks!

    Patty P: A cookbook? Jesus, the book itself will probably be more tasty than the recipes. And no worries, l look forward to reading more!

  9. I hate caravans far more than you, let me assure you. I have taken ten minutes to write this brief message as the number of vulgar terminologies for these sorts of people had to be deleted.
